Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day #24 Who makes you laugh the most?

The person who makes me laugh the most? Thats unanimous. My sister Faith Tyler. She is seriously the person who I have laughed the hardest and most often with. Pat of this is because i've known her my whole life--we're not even a year a part. We've grown up together since we were tiny tiny kids, and we're really close. Our personalities are extremely similar, and our sense of humor is almost exactly the same! We think the same things our funny, and we're always messing around! Another reason why I laugh with Faith the most is because we basically laugh at nothing. LITERALLY. The things we laugh at barely deserve to be laughed about, and the majority of the human race would never UNDERSTAND what was so funny! We just love to laugh, so we find excuses to laugh at stuff! Sometimes it's the casual chuckle, and sometimes it's the knee slapping, doubled over, can't make a noise, tears coming out of your eyes kind of laughing--which is my favorite. It's also easier to laugh with someone when you know them well--and you don't care if they see you ugly laughing with tears streaming down your face. But basically, it's because me and her are like, the same mind. We see the same thing and we both laugh at it for some reason. The reason is Telekinesis.

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