Monday, November 25, 2013

Day #21 Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it

So far, my life has been plauged by stress! I honestly expected my senior year to be more layed back and comfortalbe, but it turns out THAT IS NOT THE CASE! In fact, senior year has been more stressfull than anything, surprisingly! First reason: college. College is around the corner. As of now, I still don't know exactly where i'm going next year. I have to decide between WIU for four years, or LLCC for two and then WIU for the last two--IT'S HARD TO DECIDE! SO, currently, that's my issue: WAHT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?! This causes a significant amount of stress on my life, as you might guess. That honestly is my lot in life that I'd rather NOT have. Also, I have regular school to worry about. I only have two hard classes that involve an extensive amount of homework--but i'm not exaggerating when I say EXTENSIVE. Pre calc and Dual Credit English are pretty rough, I'll admit. Math is math, and i'm not the best at it, so I usually have a ton of homework and tests and gunk that I hate. English homework usually comes in five individual pieces that must be completed by the next class period. And lets not forget all the ESSAYS I have to WRITE! So there's THAT. Third reason: JOB. I used to work regularly at a restaurant, but because the restaurant wasn't making enough money, they had to lay off almost all of their workers for a while who were paid hourly and replace them with managers who work for a salary, that way the sales wouldn't be effected. Unfortunately, I was one of those workers. They haven't worked me since october, so It's been a month and I need money. So my parents want me to get a NEW job. So now I have to apply for a bazillion other places, and it was hard enough getting the first job so now everything is bad. Applications take FOREVER TO FILL OUT, TOO!!!! And now for number four. MY SANITY. MY SANITY IS SLIPPING AWAY.

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