Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day #18 Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.

Public Apology.
For my public apology I'd like to apologize to everyone in the entire world for having to put up with how much I talk. In my opinion, I talk at a normal rate and speed, but, according to everyone else, I am very wrong. According to everyone else but me, I TALK AN AWFUL LOT. I especially hear this from my family, who has to put up with me every single day. I honestly can't tell you how many times I've been told to "slow down"  and/or "shut up"! So to the public: I apologize for speaking at an insane amount and insanely fast, and for interrupting people whenever they try to talk! I can honestly say that when my mind is thinking, I say what I think, no matter who is talking! When i'm thinking about saying something, I can honestly say that I don't hear ANYTHING except for my own thoughts! So i'd like to apologize for THAT! I'd also like to issue a public apology  to everyone who has come to my house and was unaware of the  utter chaos he/she was walking into. MY FAMILY IS CHAOS. I have two younger sisters who fight almost constantly and talk  million  miles a minute and I have a dog who yaps at everything and my house is always a mess. Also, me and my three other sisters have been known to all talk at the exact same time to the exact same person. Like, literally, we all try to have a conversation with the same person at the SAME TIME! That tends to overwhelm people. (My grandma being one of them.) This tends to also make people want to pull their hair out. SOME people are okay with it, my boyfriend being one of those people--but he's known my family for a long time, and he has a big family himself! For people that don't know anything about my family and aren't used to so much excitement, they get a little freaked out. When this happens, I usually just suggest they get over it. We can't change our ways! People just have to learn to adjust. So i'd like to issue a public apology for my constant talking, and my crazy family!

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