Monday, November 18, 2013

Day #17 What is a book that has been recognized as ‘great literature’ that you dislike? Why?

I am an avid reader. Honestly, I rarely ever read a book that I don't like. I always try to find the best in literature because someone took the time, energy, and imagination to write it, and I respect that. Usually, if i'm not enjoying a book, I stop reading it and I never finish. Books that I have done this to include Brave New World, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Pride and Prejudice, and Wuthering Heights. As you can see, they are all classics. I love classics, which was why I attempted to read all of them. Some of them I quit because I lacked the time (Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights) and some of them i quit because I just didn't "get it". Brave New World is one of these examples. I read 100 pages of Brave New World. The book is only 300 pages long, so I was a third of the way through. And throughout my time reading those 100 pages I  kept thinking: What is going on?! Literally. If you've ever read Brave New World, you know--if you disagree you're lying!--that it is extremely "trippy". So pardon me for a few minutes as I tear it apart. Brave New World makes NO SENSE and has NO PLOT. All the characters are just floating around, doing drugs, giving themselves to other people, being mind controlled, manipulated-- EVERYTHING. They have no real opinion, character or anything that sets them apart from everyone. And when they do (as in John's sake) they are MESSED UP! I honestly can say that Brave New World is the absolute strangest book that I have almost  (as i only read a third of it) ever  read. Everyone in the Brave New World is completely and utterly mind controlled, has no morals, and has little to no opinion on what happens around them. It's also extremely suggestive, which is very surprising considering it's a classic that people are encouraged to read. If I ever encouraged anyone to read Brave New World I would turn pink from embarrassment and drop dead. There is no way I would tell someone to read it. I stopped reading it because I wanted to read LITERATURE! What is also surprising is the large amount of positive reviews I've heard about it. People literally enjoyed the book, and claim that it deserved the praise it got! I do not consider it good literature! It's a book about a bunch of mindless people who basically live constantly in drug trips! How does that teach us anything about life?! But, then again, I also have no idea how classics become classics. How did a book about an man catching one fish (Old Man and the Sea) become famous? How did a book about a fancy man who turns evil and messes up his whole life (The Picture of Dorian Gray) become famous? I honestly don't know (though, I'll admit I liked Dorian Gray). I don't know how a classic becomes a classic. But I do know that A Brave New World should not have been one!

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